
5 Common Route Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Route Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Zeo Route Planner
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Each and every penny saved is important for a business to thrive. You want to do everything that will help your business become more efficient and increase profitability. This is where route planning comes into the picture.

However, just putting a manual route planning system in place or purchasing a software isn’t enough. Once you start using the manual system or software, it’s important to evaluate if it’s being used to its full potential or not. 

Don’t worry, we are here to help!

In this blog, we’ll go through 5 common route-planning mistakes and how you can avoid them.

5 Common Route Planning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

1. Depending on manual route planning

Manual route planning may be possible when you have 1-2 drivers only. However, as the scale of your fleet grows, route planning becomes complex. Your route planning team will spend hours and hours of their time and still may not arrive at the most optimized route. 

You should use route planning software to save your team’s time and to get the most optimized routes within seconds. Your team can spend the time saved on business development or critical thinking tasks.

Zeo route planner offers an affordable solution to manage your fleet. It’s easy to use and includes valuable features like driver tracking, delivery time windows, capturing proof of delivery and many more.

Hop on a quick 30-minute demo call to understand how Zeo can help your business save time and money!

Read more: Choosing the correct route optimization software

2. Sticking to familiar but inefficient routes

As a supervisor, you may be aware of certain routes that are efficient as per your experience and historical information. But routes evolve over time and may not be as efficient as they used to be. Using the route provided by the planning software will ensure that you are using the most efficient one in terms of time as well as costs.

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Sometimes the drivers may also prefer a more familiar route and take detours. In that case, the driver tracking feature of a route planner will come in handy to track the live location of your drivers.

3. Drivers not making the best use of route planners

Route planners are easy to use and come with multiple additional features. Zeo route planner comes with helpful features like sending trip details to customers and recording electronic proof of delivery. While the drivers are aware of the features, they may use some features regularly and ignore others. The drivers should use all the features as and when required to make the best use of the route planner app.

When new drivers join the fleet, they should be onboarded on the app with full knowledge of the features.

Read more: Revolutionize Customer Communication with Zeo’s Direct Messaging Feature

4. Not utilizing the available reports

A major advantage of route planning software over manual route planning is the availability of reports. Businesses are using all forms of data to make better decisions. It would be a mistake to not make use of the data that is readily available.

After a route is completed you can download the reports to understand if all the deliveries were made on time or if there was a gap between the ETA and the actual arrival time. If the deliveries are delayed, you can further deep-dive into the reasons behind the delays and eliminate inefficiencies.

5. Not considering delivery time windows

The customers have busy schedules and want the deliveries to be made when they are available. While planning the route if you are not considering the preferred delivery slots of the customers then it will lead to failed deliveries or the driver will have to make multiple visits to the same address. This will eventually lead to the wastage of drivers’ time and business resources. 

If the preferred delivery slot is added then the route planner will take it into consideration and optimize the route accordingly. This would mean happy customers and happy drivers.

Summing Up

To get the best return on your investment in a route planner it’s important to avoid these common route planning mistakes. Using a route planner is fairly easy and results in improved efficiencies for your business. Just make sure that the planning team and the drivers are taking the best advantage of a route planning software.

Sign up for a free trial of Zeo Route Planner now!

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    How to Create Route?

    How do I add stop by typing and searching? Web

    Follow these steps to add a stop by typing and searching:

    • Go to Playground Page. You will find a search box in top left.
    • Type in your desired stop and it will show search results as you type.
    • Select one of the search results to add the stop to list of unassigned stops.

    How do I import stops in bulk from an excel file? Web

    Follow these steps to add stops in bulk using an excel file:

    • Go to Playground Page.
    • In top right corner you will see import icon. Press on that icon & a modal will open.
    • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
    • If you don’t have an existing file, you can download a sample file and input all your data accordingly, then upload it.
    • In the new window, upload your file and match the headers & confirm mappings.
    • Review your confirmed data and add the stop.

    How do I import stops from an image? Mobile

    Follow these steps to add stops in bulk by uploading an image:

    • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
    • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on image icon.
    • Select the image from gallery if you already have one or take a picture if you don’t have existing.
    • Adjust the crop for the selected image & press crop.
    • Zeo will automatically detect the addresses from the image. Press on done and then save & optimize to create route.

    How do I add a stop using Latitude and Longitude? Mobile

    Follow these steps to add stop if you have Latitude & Longitude of the address:

    • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
    • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
    • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
    • Below search bar, select the “by lat long” option and then enter the latitude and longitude in the search bar.
    • You will see results in the search, select one of them.
    • Select additional options according to your need & click on “Done adding stops”.

    How do I add stops using QR Code? Mobile

    Follow these steps to add stop using QR Code:

    • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
    • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
    • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on QR code icon.
    • It will open up a QR Code scanner. You can scan normal QR code as well as FedEx QR code and it will automatically detect address.
    • Add the stop to route with any additional options.

    How do I delete a stop? Mobile

    Follow these steps to delete a stop:

    • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
    • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
    • Add some stops using any of the methods & click on save & optimize.
    • From the list of stops that you have, long press on any stop that you want to delete.
    • It will open window asking you to select the stops that you want to remove. Click on Remove button and it will delete the stop from your route.