What is Geocoding?
Geocoding is the process of converting an address or a location to geographical coordinates i.e. latitude and longitude. Geocoding is extremely helpful in finding exact locations on the map. As every location on earth has unique coordinates, it provides a high degree of accuracy and saves time. Geocoding also helps in mapping out the routes for deliveries.
How does Zeo Route Planner help with faster deliveries?
Zeo Route Planner is easy to use and helps you create optimized routes within seconds. You can create a route by uploading an excel or by entering the coordinates of any location.
It allows you to add details like delivery time slot, stop priority, stop duration, customer details, and any specific customer notes. It saves the time spent on the road so that more time is spent on revenue-generating activities.
Hop on a 30-minute demo call to find out how Zeo can be the perfect route planner for your business!