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The Top Five Software Tools for Logistics Management in 2025

Reading Time: 4 minutesAs a logistics manager, what tops your wishlist for 2025? Streamlining logistics management? That would be a unanimous answer for

Rise of Social Commerce through TikTok: Role of Route Optimization in eCommerce

Reading Time: 3 minutesIs TikTok just a short video entertainment and social platform? The answer is no! It is rapidly transforming into a

How AI-powered Route Optimization Tools Will Reduce Last-Mile Delivery Costs in 2025

Reading Time: 4 minutesLast-mile delivery costs form the major expense in the delivery business, making up 53% of the total delivery costs. That’s

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How to Create Route?

How do I add stop by typing and searching? Web

Follow these steps to add a stop by typing and searching:

  • Go to Playground Page. You will find a search box in top left.
  • Type in your desired stop and it will show search results as you type.
  • Select one of the search results to add the stop to list of unassigned stops.

How do I import stops in bulk from an excel file? Web

Follow these steps to add stops in bulk using an excel file:

  • Go to Playground Page.
  • In top right corner you will see import icon. Press on that icon & a modal will open.
  • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
  • If you don’t have an existing file, you can download a sample file and input all your data accordingly, then upload it.
  • In the new window, upload your file and match the headers & confirm mappings.
  • Review your confirmed data and add the stop.

How do I import stops from an image? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stops in bulk by uploading an image:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on image icon.
  • Select the image from gallery if you already have one or take a picture if you don’t have existing.
  • Adjust the crop for the selected image & press crop.
  • Zeo will automatically detect the addresses from the image. Press on done and then save & optimize to create route.

How do I add a stop using Latitude and Longitude? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stop if you have Latitude & Longitude of the address:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
  • Below search bar, select the “by lat long” option and then enter the latitude and longitude in the search bar.
  • You will see results in the search, select one of them.
  • Select additional options according to your need & click on “Done adding stops”.

How do I add stops using QR Code? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stop using QR Code:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on QR code icon.
  • It will open up a QR Code scanner. You can scan normal QR code as well as FedEx QR code and it will automatically detect address.
  • Add the stop to route with any additional options.

How do I delete a stop? Mobile

Follow these steps to delete a stop:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • Add some stops using any of the methods & click on save & optimize.
  • From the list of stops that you have, long press on any stop that you want to delete.
  • It will open window asking you to select the stops that you want to remove. Click on Remove button and it will delete the stop from your route.