Reading Time: 3 minutes

Use driver management to
supervise your fleet drivers

Monitor drivers constantly and assign them to various stores as needed.

Driver management, Zeo Route Planner

How can you boost fleet driver’s productivity?

Use a driver management system to track driver performance.

  • Use customizable data fields, and add basic or detailed stops.
  • Estimate and plot the most suitable route with the touch of a button.
  • Adjust delivery routes and stops based on customer preferences.
  • F3 Image01, Zeo Route Planner

    Automatically assign stops

    Automatically assign stops to drivers based on their location and shift timings, removing the need for manual driver allocation.

  • Allocate work based on skill

    Define team skills and optimize your route to meet the client’s service needs. Effortlessly match tasks with team members’ expertise.

    F3 Image02, Zeo Route Planner
  • F3 Image03, Zeo Route Planner

    Assign stores to drivers

    Allocate stores to drivers to have a uniform point of departure. Streamline your delivery operations and maximize productive time on the road.

  • Assign vehicles to drivers

    Add all fleet vehicles and assign them to drivers. Get optimized routes as per vehicle capacity and effectively manage the fleet.

    F3 Image04, Zeo Route Planner
  • F3 Image05, Zeo Route Planner

    Directly communicate with drivers

    Get the list of all the drivers and seamlessly chat directly with them. Ensure smooth coordination between drivers and management.

  • Switch seats easily between drivers

    Efficiently manage driver subscriptions and pay for the seats in use. Easily add or remove drivers from seats as per availability.

    F3 Image06, Zeo Route Planner
Group 1707478361, Zeo Route Planner

Use Zeo to manage
your drivers

Group 1707478363, Zeo Route Planner

Maximize output using Zeo’s fleet features.

Catering to fleet managers with end-to-end management solutions

  • Route optimization

    Zeo Route Planner assists fleet owners in creating and optimizing routes for their drivers, enhancing efficiency and reducing operational costs.

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  • Driver management

    Zeo Route Planner streamlines driver schedules, optimizes routes, and monitors performance for efficient last-mile delivery.

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  • Automated delivery updates

    Automated delivery updates keep customers informed in real-time, enhancing transparency with notifications at each delivery.

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  • Collect proof of delivery

    Collecting proof of delivery involves capturing a signature, photo, or digital confirmation to ensure accountability and verification.

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  • Route Analytics

    Route analytics optimizes efficiency and reduces costs by analyzing delivery routes, traffic, and driver performance.

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  • Integrations

    Integrations connect software systems for seamless data exchange and streamlined workflows, enhancing efficiency.

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  • Mobile app for Drivers

    Zeo Mobile app for drivers provides navigation, route optimization, delivery updates, and communication tools to boost performance.

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  • Live route tracking

    Live route tracking enables real-time monitoring of delivery progress, enhancing transparency and efficiency.

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#1 Rated for Productivity, Time & Costs in Route Planning Software

2 Star, Zeo Route Planner
LastMileDelivery HighPerformer EMEA HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner LastMileDelivery Leader Leader, Zeo Route Planner LastMileDelivery Leader Small Business Leader, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestRelationship Small Business Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestRelationship Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestResults Small Business Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestResults Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestUsability Small Business Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning HighPerformer HighPerformer 1, Zeo Route Planner LastMileDelivery HighPerformer Asia HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner LastMileDelivery HighPerformer AsiaPacific HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning BestUsability Total, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning HighPerformer Asia HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning HighPerformer AsiaPacific HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning HighPerformer HighPerformer, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning Leader EMEA Leader, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning Leader Small Business Leader, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning MomentumLeader Leader, Zeo Route Planner RoutePlanning MostImplementable Total, Zeo Route Planner Capterra, Zeo Route Planner Getapp 1, Zeo Route Planner SoftwareAdvice, Zeo Route Planner
Devider, Zeo Route Planner
Ratig 1, Zeo Route Planner Raiting 2, Zeo Route Planner

Trusted by 10,000+ Businesses for optimized routes

Used by over 1.5 mn drivers across 150 countries to finish their work faster!

Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner
Driver management, Zeo Route Planner

Zeo Blogs

Explore our blog for insightful articles, expert advice, and inspiring content that keeps you informed.

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How to Launch a Successful Home Inspection Business in 2025, Zeo Route Planner

How to Launch a Successful Home Inspection Business in 2025

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe home inspection sector continues to grow. Property sales are rising, and the desire for detailed property evaluations is higher

Zeo Questionnaire


Know More

How to Create Route?

How do I add stop by typing and searching? Web

Follow these steps to add a stop by typing and searching:

  • Go to Playground Page. You will find a search box in top left.
  • Type in your desired stop and it will show search results as you type.
  • Select one of the search results to add the stop to list of unassigned stops.

How do I import stops in bulk from an excel file? Web

Follow these steps to add stops in bulk using an excel file:

  • Go to Playground Page.
  • In top right corner you will see import icon. Press on that icon & a modal will open.
  • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
  • If you don’t have an existing file, you can download a sample file and input all your data accordingly, then upload it.
  • In the new window, upload your file and match the headers & confirm mappings.
  • Review your confirmed data and add the stop.

How do I import stops from an image? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stops in bulk by uploading an image:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on image icon.
  • Select the image from gallery if you already have one or take a picture if you don’t have existing.
  • Adjust the crop for the selected image & press crop.
  • Zeo will automatically detect the addresses from the image. Press on done and then save & optimize to create route.

How do I add a stop using Latitude and Longitude? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stop if you have Latitude & Longitude of the address:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • If you already have an excel file, press the “Upload stops via flat file” button & a new window will open up.
  • Below search bar, select the “by lat long” option and then enter the latitude and longitude in the search bar.
  • You will see results in the search, select one of them.
  • Select additional options according to your need & click on “Done adding stops”.

How do I add stops using QR Code? Mobile

Follow these steps to add stop using QR Code:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • Bottom bar has 3 icons in left. Press on QR code icon.
  • It will open up a QR Code scanner. You can scan normal QR code as well as FedEx QR code and it will automatically detect address.
  • Add the stop to route with any additional options.

How do I delete a stop? Mobile

Follow these steps to delete a stop:

  • Go to Zeo Route Planner App and open On Ride page.
  • You will see a icon. Press on that icon & press on New Route.
  • Add some stops using any of the methods & click on save & optimize.
  • From the list of stops that you have, long press on any stop that you want to delete.
  • It will open window asking you to select the stops that you want to remove. Click on Remove button and it will delete the stop from your route.