
Zeo ruteplanlægger hjælper flådeejere med at oprette og optimere ruter for deres chauffører. Flådeejere eller små virksomheder, der udfører lokale last-mile-leverancer, kan holde styr på leveringsstatus, chaufførers liveplacering og sende realtidsopdateringer til kunderne. Zeos mobilapps til leveringschauffører er udstyret med sømløse integrationer med alle populære navigationsværktøjer inklusive waze, tomtom, Google maps osv. Chaufføren har alle vigtige detaljer lige ved hånden, herunder noter, kundeoplysninger og pakkeantal. Zeo håndterer dynamisk adressetilføjelse og sletning og omdirigerer sekvensen for at give den mest optimerede rute. Med Zeo sparer flådeejere op til 200 $ pr. måned pr. chauffør og får adgang til rapporter af høj kvalitet som leveringsbevis, underskrifter og leveringstidsstempler


ZeoRoutePlanner bruger API-nøgler til at give adgang til API'en. Du kan registrere en ny API-nøgle på vores platform (

ZeoRoutePlanner forventer, at API-nøglen inkluderes i alle API-anmodninger til serveren i en parameter, der ser ud som følgende:

api_key: api_key

Butiksejer Api's

Opret stop

curl --location --request POST '{{base_url}}/api/v5/route_stop' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "api_key": "api_key",
    "stops": [
            "address": "Gwalior Madhaya Predesh",
            "latitude": 0,
            "longitude": 0.0,
            "notes": "dsf",
            "optimize_status": "normal",
            "stop_duration": 5,
            "stop_date": "2022-03-10",
            "parcel_count": 2,
            "arrive_start": "now",
            "arrive_end": "anytime",
            "earliest": 0,
            "latest": 0,
            "driver_id": "",
            "stop_type": "delivery",
            "customer_name": "nishu",
            "customer_mobile_number": "+911234567890",
            "customer_email": "",
            "metadata": [{}]

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "Stops added successfully"

Dette slutpunkt henter alle drivere.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v5/route_stop


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
stopper [{}] Stopper Array

Stopper objektparametre

Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
adresse "" Stop adresse
breddegrad "" Adresse Latitude
længde "" Adresse Længdegrad
noter "" Enhver besked at tilføje
optimize_status "normal"
stop_varighed "Bliv ved stop"
ankomme_start "" "nu"
arrive_end "" "når som helst"
tidligste ""
seneste ""
stop_type "" (levering/afhentning)
Kundenavn "" Kundenavn
kunde_mobilnummer "" Kundekontakt nr
driver_id "" Driver-id
stop_dato "" Stop dato
parcel_count 1 Pakketælling
metadata [] Brugerdefineret felt

Hent alle drivere

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers?api_key=api_key'

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "drivers": [
        "id": 44914,
        "email": "",
        "name": "nishu jain",
        "address": null,
        "phone_no": "8959294300",
        "active": true

Dette slutpunkt henter alle drivere.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle

Opret driver

curl --location -g --request POST '{{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "api_key": "api_key",
  "email": "",
  "address": "Netaji Subhash Marg, Lal Qila, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi, Delhi 110006",
  "password": "12345678",
  "name": "nishu jain",
  "phone_no": " "

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "Driver created successfully",
  "data": {
    "driver": {
      "id": 44953,
      "email": "",
      "name": "test",
      "address": "Netaji Subhash Marg, Lal Qila, Chandni Chowk, New Delhi, Delhi 110006",
      "phone_no": "+918959294300",
      "active": true

Dette endepunkt oprette driver.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
e-mail "" Driver e-mail
adresse "" Driver adresse
adgangskode "" Adgangskode til driverkonto
navn "" Førerens navn
telefon Nej "" Kontakt nr. af

opdater driver

curl --location -g --request PUT '{{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers/:driver_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "api_key": "api_key",
  "name": "nishu jain",
    "address": "",
  "phone_no": "8959294300"

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "Driver updated successfully",
  "data": {
    "driver": {
      "id": 44953,
      "name": "nishu jain",
      "phone_no": "8959294300",
      "address": "dlehi",
      "email": "",
      "active": true

Denne endepunktopdateringsdriverdetaljer.


PUT {{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers/:driver_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
adresse "" Driver adresse
navn "" Førerens navn
telefon Nej "" Kontaktnummer på chaufføren
driver_id "" Driver-id får vi fra alle driver-api'er

Slet driver

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers/:driver_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "api_key": "api_key"

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "Driver deleted successful"

Denne endepunkt slette driver.


DELETE {{base_url}}/api/v5/drivers/:driver_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
driver_id "" Driver-id får vi fra alle driver-api'er

Opret rute

curl --location -g --request POST '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "start_address"  :   "Monroe, NC, USA",
   "start_latitude"   : 0.0,
   "start_longitude"   :0.0,
   "end_address"  :   "Monroe, NC, USA",
   "end_latitude"   : 0.0,
   "end_longitude"   :0.0,
   "route_name"  :   "July 2020 Roadtrip",
   "driver_id": "44968",
   "orginal": true,
   "route_date": "",
   "stops"  : [
    "address": "Gwalior Madhaya Predesh", 
    "parcel_count": "",
    "metadata": [{}]

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "route": {
        "id": 103110,
        "start_address": "new york",
        "end_address": "new york",
        "start_latitude": 40.7128,
        "start_longitude": 74.006,
        "end_latitude": 40.7128,
        "end_longitude": 74.006,
        "created_at": "2021-07-21T04:07:41.000Z",
        "route_name": "test",
        "route_stops": [
            "id": 222472903,
            "address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
            "latitude": 25.9330248,
            "longitude": -80.2445472,
            "notes": "GOod",
            "optimize_status": "normal",
            "stop_duration": 10,
            "customer_name": "",
            "customer_mobile_number": "",
            "street": "17475 NW 27th Ave, Miami Gardens, FL 33056, EE. UU.",
            "city": "Miami-Dade County",
            "state": "Florida",
            "country": "Estados Unidos",
            "postal_code": "33056",
            "customer_email": "",
            "order_number": "",
            "order_status": "route_created",
            "h_no": "",
            "locality": ""

Dette endepunkt opretter rute.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
driver_id "" Driver-id får vi fra alle driver-api'er
start_adresse "" Rute Startadresse
start_breddegrad "" Startadresse Latitude
start_længdegrad "" Startadresse Længdegrad
slutadresse "" Ruteslutadresse
end_latitude "" Slutadresse Latitude
end_longitude "" Slutadresse Længdegrad
rutenavn "" Rutens navn
driver_id "" Driver-id for at tildele rute
original ""
stopper [] Stop mellem ruter
rute_dato '' Rute dato

Stopper objektparametre

Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
adresse "" Stop adresse
breddegrad "" Adresse Latitude
længde "" Adresse Længdegrad
noter "" Enhver besked at tilføje
optimize_status "normal"
stop_varighed "Bliv ved stop"
ankomme_start "" "nu"
arrive_end "" "når som helst"
tidligste ""
seneste ""
stop_type "" (levering/afhentning)
Kundenavn "" Kundenavn
kunde_mobilnummer "" Kundekontakt nr
parcel_count 1 Pakketælling
metadata [{}] Brugerdefineret felt

Få ruteoplysninger

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "route": {
      "id": 103110,
      "start_address": "new york",
      "end_address": "new york",
      "start_latitude": 40.7128,
      "start_longitude": 74.006,
      "end_latitude": 40.7128,
      "end_longitude": 74.006,
      "created_at": "2021-07-21T04:07:41.000Z",
      "route_name": "test",
      "route_stops": [
          "id": 222472903,
          "address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
          "latitude": 25.9330248,
          "longitude": -80.2445472,
          "notes": "GOod",
          "optimize_status": "normal",
          "stop_duration": 10,
          "customer_name": "",
          "customer_mobile_number": "",
          "street": "17475 NW 27th Ave, Miami Gardens, FL 33056, EE. UU.",
          "city": "Miami-Dade County",
          "state": "Florida",
          "country": "Estados Unidos",
          "postal_code": "33056",
          "customer_email": "",
          "order_number": "",
          "order_status": "route_created",
          "h_no": "",
          "locality": ""

Dette slutpunkt GET ruteoplysninger.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
rute_id "" Rute-id får vi fra rutelisten
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten

Få ruteoptimeret info

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id/optimize_route' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "optimized": true,
        "legs": [
                "distance": {
                    "text": "0 km",
                    "value": 0
                "duration": {
                    "text": "",
                    "value": 0
                "end_address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
                "start_address": "new york",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 25.9330248,
                    "lng": -80.2445472
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 25.9330248,
                    "lng": -80.2445472
                "stop_id": "222473116",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "delivery",
                "arr_time": 0,
                "end_time": 600,
                "optimize_order": 1,
                "stop_order": null,
                "share_stop_id": null,
                "address_typed": {},
                "overview_polyline": "cah}CnwwhN"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "0 km",
                    "value": 0
                "duration": {
                    "text": "10 mins",
                    "value": 600
                "end_address": "new york",
                "start_address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 25.9330248,
                    "lng": -80.2445472
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 25.9330248,
                    "lng": -80.2445472
                "stop_id": null,
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "normal",
                "arr_time": 600,
                "end_time": 0,
                "optimize_order": 2,
                "stop_order": 2000,
                "share_stop_id": 0,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "cah}CnwwhN"

Dette slutpunkt GET ruteoplysninger.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id/optimize_route


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten

Slet rute

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "Route deleted successfully"

Denne slutpunktssletningsrute.


DELETE {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/:route_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
rute_id "" Rute-id får vi fra rutelisten
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten

Få alle førerruter

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "limit": 10,
   "offset": 10,
   "driver_id": "driver_id"

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "routes": [
        "id": 103110,
        "start_address": "new york",
        "end_address": "new york",
        "start_latitude": 40.7128,
        "start_longitude": 74.006,
        "end_latitude": 40.7128,
        "end_longitude": 74.006,
        "created_at": "2021-07-21T04:07:41.000Z",
        "route_name": "test",
        "route_stops": [
            "id": 222472903,
            "address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
            "latitude": 25.9330248,
            "longitude": -80.2445472,
            "notes": "GOod",
            "optimize_status": "normal",
            "stop_duration": 10,
            "customer_name": "",
            "customer_mobile_number": "",
            "street": "17475 NW 27th Ave, Miami Gardens, FL 33056, EE. UU.",
            "city": "Miami-Dade County",
            "state": "Florida",
            "country": "Estados Unidos",
            "postal_code": "33056",
            "customer_email": "",
            "order_number": "",
            "order_status": "route_created",
            "h_no": "",
            "locality": ""
    "total_routes": 1

Dette slutpunkt henter alle ruter.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
begrænse 50 Optegnelser skal returneres
offset 0 Næste poster skal returneres
driver_id Driver-id

Få alle butiksejerruter

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/all_routes' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "limit": 10,
   "offset": 10,
   "start_date": dd-mm-yyyy,
   "end_date": dd-mm-yyyy

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "success",
  "data": {
    "routes": [
        "id": 103110,
        "start_address": "new york",
        "end_address": "new york",
        "start_latitude": 40.7128,
        "start_longitude": 74.006,
        "end_latitude": 40.7128,
        "end_longitude": 74.006,
        "created_at": "2021-07-21T04:07:41.000Z",
        "route_name": "test",
        "route_stops": [
            "id": 222472903,
            "address": "17475 Northwest 27th Avenue, Miami Gardens, FL, USA",
            "latitude": 25.9330248,
            "longitude": -80.2445472,
            "notes": "GOod",
            "optimize_status": "normal",
            "stop_duration": 10,
            "customer_name": "",
            "customer_mobile_number": "",
            "street": "17475 NW 27th Ave, Miami Gardens, FL 33056, EE. UU.",
            "city": "Miami-Dade County",
            "state": "Florida",
            "country": "Estados Unidos",
            "postal_code": "33056",
            "customer_email": "",
            "order_number": "",
            "order_status": "route_created",
            "h_no": "",
            "locality": ""
    "total_routes": 1

Dette slutpunkt henter alle ruter.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/all_routes


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
begrænse 50 Optegnelser skal returneres
offset 0 Næste poster skal returneres
start dato nul Rutens startdato (dd-mm-åååå)
slutdato nul Rutens slutdato (dd-mm-åååå)

Få ruteopret til chauffør af butiksejer

curl --location --request POST '{{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/import_orders' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'start_address=""' \
--form 'end_address=""' \
--form 'driver_email="\"\""' \
--form 'api_key="\"\""' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "route": {
            "id": 104244,
            "start_address": "Delhi",
            "end_address": "Delhi",
            "start_latitude": 28.7040592,
            "start_longitude": 77.1024902,
            "end_latitude": 28.7040592,
            "end_longitude": 77.1024902,
            "created_at": "2021-09-27T06:18:29.000Z",
            "route_name": "2021-Sep-09",
            "route_stops": [
                    "id": 16921825,
                    "address": "Delhi",
                    "latitude": 28.7040592,
                    "longitude": 77.1024902,
                    "notes": "test",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "ayush",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "7838479870",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "Delhi",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": "route_created",
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": ""

Dette slutpunkt bruges til at oprette rute for chaufføren.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v5/routes/import_orders


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access-nøgle (Gå til side Hjemmeside URL log ind på butiksejerkonto og gå derefter til siden Indstillinger sidevælg hent api-token og generer api_key)
start_adresse "" startadresse for rute
slutadresse "" slutadresse for rute
driver_e-mail "" chaufførens e-mail
fil "" upload fil i xlsx format, du kan downloade ved at klikke på linket (Eksempel på fillink)

Afhentnings leveringer

Opret rute

curl -X POST \
  {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/ \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 5c922b4b-faf5-ea12-5660-518110acc248' \
  -d '{
  "api_key": "**************",
  "driver_id": 11111111111111,
  "start_address":"Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
  "end_address":"Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
      "address":"Taj Mahal pikcup",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 1,
      "metadata": [{}]
      "address":"Taj Mahal pickup link delivery",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 2
      "address":"Taj Mahal seperate delivery",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 2

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "route": {
            "id": 103169,
            "route_name": "04-Jan-2022",
            "start_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "end_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "start_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "start_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "end_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "end_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "created_at": "2022-01-11T11:48:16.000Z",
            "route_stops": [
                    "id": 222473230,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal seperate delivery",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 2,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 222473231,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal pickup",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 1
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 1,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 222473232,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal pickup linked delivery",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 2,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 222473231

Dette endepunkt opretter rute.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes


Parameter Datatype Standard Beskrivelse
driver_id int (*) Har du brug for driver_id for at oprette en rute
start_adresse streng (*) Adresse hvorfra ruten starter
start_breddegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten start_adresse ELLER start_latitude, start_longitude
start_længdegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten start_adresse ELLER start_latitude, start_longitude
slutadresse streng Slutplacering af ruten
end_latitude decimal Påkrævet enten slutadresse ELLER end_latitude, end_longitude
end_longitude decimal Påkrævet enten slutadresse ELLER end_latitude, end_longitude
rutenavn streng (*) nuværende dato (dd/mm/åå) Rutenavn
stopper række af objekter (*) Stopper information i objektgruppen

Stopper objektparametre

Parameter Datatype Standard Beskrivelse
id INT (*) 0 1. Hvis stop_type er levering, behøver du ikke sende id
2. Hvis stop_type pickup skal sendes 20-cifret id
stop_order int (*) 0 Tilføj rækkefølge af stop
share_stop_id int 0 1. Hvis stop_type er pickup, lad det være som standard
2. Hvis stop_type er levering og ikke ønsker at linke til afhentning, lad det være som standard
3. Hvis du ønsker at linke til en hvilken som helst afhentning, skal du angive id'et for det afhentningsstop-id
stop_type streng levering værdierne skal være levering og afhentning
adresse streng Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
breddegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
længde decimal 0 Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
noter streng Stop relaterede oplysninger
stop_varighed int 2 Angiver stoppets varighed i minutter, dvs. hvor lang tid det tager på kundestedet.
Kundenavn streng Kundeinfo
kunde_mobilnummer streng Kundeinfo
kunde_e-mail streng Kundeinfo
adresse_indtastet {} {} 1. Hvis stop_type er afhentning, er nøglen leverings_antal, og værdien er i alt antal leveringer er forbundet med denne afhentning
2. Hvis stop_type er levering, lad det være som standard

Opdater rute

curl -X POST \
  {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'postman-token: 5c922b4b-faf5-ea12-5660-518110acc248' \
  -d '{
  "api_key": "**************",
  "driver_id": 11111111111111,
  "start_address":"Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
  "end_address":"Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
      "address":"Taj Mahal pikcup",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 1
      "address":"Taj Mahal pickup link delivery",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 2
      "address":"Taj Mahal seperate delivery",
      "notes":"parsal in the left site",
      "stop_duration": 2,
      "stop_order": 2

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "route": {
            "id": 103169,
            "route_name": "04-Jan-2022",
            "start_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "end_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "start_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "start_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "end_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "end_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "created_at": "2022-01-11T11:48:16.000Z",
            "route_stops": [
                    "id": 222473230,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal seperate delivery",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 2,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 222473231,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal pickup",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 1
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 1,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 222473232,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal pickup linked delivery",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "parsal in the left site",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 2,
                    "customer_name": "any",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "0123456789",
                    "street": "",
                    "city": "",
                    "state": "",
                    "country": "",
                    "postal_code": "",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "stop_order": 2,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 222473231

Denne rute for opdatering af slutpunkt.


POST {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id



Parameter Datatype Standard Beskrivelse
driver_id int (*) Har du brug for driver_id for at oprette en rute
start_adresse streng (*) Adresse hvorfra ruten starter
start_breddegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten start_adresse ELLER start_latitude, start_longitude
start_længdegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten start_adresse ELLER start_latitude, start_longitude
slutadresse streng Slutplacering af ruten
end_latitude decimal Påkrævet enten slutadresse ELLER end_latitude, end_longitude
end_longitude decimal Påkrævet enten slutadresse ELLER end_latitude, end_longitude
rutenavn streng (*) nuværende dato (dd/mm/åå) Rutenavn
stopper række af objekter (*) Stopper information i objektgruppen

Stopper objektparametre

Parameter Datatype Standard Beskrivelse
id INT (*) 0 1. Hvis stop_type er levering, behøver du ikke sende id
2. Hvis stop_type pickup skal sendes 20-cifret id
stop_order int (*) 0 Tilføj rækkefølge af stop
share_stop_id int 0 1. Hvis stop_type er pickup, lad det være som standard
2. Hvis stop_type er levering og ikke ønsker at linke til afhentning, lad det være som standard
3. Hvis du ønsker at linke til en hvilken som helst afhentning, skal du angive id'et for det afhentningsstop-id
stop_type streng levering værdierne skal være levering og afhentning
adresse streng Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
breddegrad decimal 0 Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
længde decimal 0 Påkrævet enten adresse ELLER breddegrad, længdegrad
noter streng Stop relaterede oplysninger
stop_varighed int 2 Angiver stoppets varighed i minutter, dvs. hvor lang tid det tager på kundestedet.
Kundenavn streng Kundeinfo
kunde_mobilnummer streng Kundeinfo
kunde_e-mail streng Kundeinfo
adresse_indtastet {} {} 1. Hvis stop_type er afhentning, er nøglen leverings_antal, og værdien er i alt antal leveringer er forbundet med denne afhentning
2. Hvis stop_type er levering, lad det være som standard

Få ruteoplysninger

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "route": {
            "id": 104248,
            "start_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "end_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
            "start_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "start_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "end_latitude": 19.1190749,
            "end_longitude": 72.8951151,
            "created_at": "2021-12-30T07:32:10.000Z",
            "route_name": "06-Oct-2021",
            "route_stops": [
                    "id": 16921846,
                    "address": "Taj Mahal Tower, Mumbai, PJ Ramchandani Marg, Apollo Bandar, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                    "latitude": 18.9225854,
                    "longitude": 72.8331543,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "PJ Ramchandani Marg, Apollo Bandar, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400001",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 2
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 16921847,
                    "address": "Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra",
                    "latitude": 19.1095171,
                    "longitude": 72.8241298,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "Juhu Beach, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai Suburban",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400049",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 16921846
                    "id": 16921848,
                    "address": "JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu, Juhu Road, Juhu Tara, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                    "latitude": 19.1018504,
                    "longitude": 72.8262233,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "Juhu Rd, Juhu Tara, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai Suburban",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400049",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 16921846
                    "id": 16921849,
                    "address": "Hotel Sea Princess, Juhu Road, near Juhu Beach, Airport Area, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                    "latitude": 19.09326,
                    "longitude": 72.8281264,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "Juhu Rd, near Juhu Beach, Airport Area, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai Suburban",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400049",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 2
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 0
                    "id": 16921850,
                    "address": "Standard Chartered Mumbai 23-25 M G Road, Mumbai Branch, 23-25, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Azad Maidan, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                    "latitude": 18.9339261,
                    "longitude": 72.8313813,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "23-25, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Azad Maidan, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400001",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 16921849
                    "id": 16921851,
                    "address": "Horniman Circle Garden, Homji Street, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                    "latitude": 18.93197,
                    "longitude": 72.8350343,
                    "notes": "",
                    "optimize_status": "normal",
                    "stop_duration": 5,
                    "customer_name": "",
                    "customer_mobile_number": "",
                    "street": "Horniman Circle Garden, 11, Homji St, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400001, India",
                    "city": "Mumbai",
                    "state": "Maharashtra",
                    "country": "India",
                    "postal_code": "400001",
                    "address_typed": {
                        "delivery_count": 0
                    "customer_email": "",
                    "order_number": null,
                    "order_status": null,
                    "h_no": "",
                    "locality": "",
                    "share_stop_id": 16921849

Dette slutpunkt GET ruteoplysninger.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
rute_id "" Rute-id får vi fra rutelisten
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten

Slet afhentningsleveringsrute

curl --location -g --request DELETE '{{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret sådan:

  "code": 200,
  "status": true,
  "message": "Route deleted successfully"

Denne slutpunktssletningsrute.


DELETE {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
rute_id "" Rute-id får vi fra rutelisten
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten

Få ruteoptimeret info

curl --location -g --request GET '{{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id/optimize_route' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
   "api_key"  :   "api_key",
   "driver_id": 44968

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret som denne, hvis optimize:true:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "optimized": true,
        "legs": [
                "distance": {
                    "text": "11 km",
                    "value": 11545
                "duration": {
                    "text": "22 mins 55 secs",
                    "value": 1375
                "end_address": "Hotel Sea Princess, Juhu Road, near Juhu Beach, Airport Area, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1190749,
                    "lng": 72.8951151
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 19.09326,
                    "lng": 72.8281264
                "stop_id": "16921855",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "pickup",
                "arr_time": 1375,
                "end_time": 1675,
                "optimize_order": 1,
                "stop_order": 4,
                "share_stop_id": 0,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 2
                "overview_polyline": "ieusByg|{L|@Dj@N\\Nb@d@`@h@HRF`@MnAFvBL\\|APhA[NK^LXCj@WvBUh@EZXb@BbACh@K`AdAhAvAZjBDx@z@xAhD|ElA~Dz@nAn@LhBf@rCv@`BP|DX~BL`A?n@GrCy@l@Cx@@dBHv@NbAf@hFnCr@h@e@r@}@dA_DjCyBdBiB|Ak@n@_@j@k@xAQz@Gv@SvHEl@Mv@YhAg@bBsBvHu@|C_IlYw@hDkAhGgCtNs@nEo@jDn@t@f@bAb@hAPbAbAxK^dDAbABj@AjAM`AcAdD]tAMz@]tCOzAmBlIcCjJ?j@JT\\ZvUxCMfAQx@C^m@vBm@vAqAvB{EzGzDvB~BhAbUbHXPj@jGcAxMCpBb@xN@~AKlApCj@jBZpBNjNClAI@R}E`OyC~QoDtWaC|O?LFXJLPFZBlI]lHy@nCg@tFk@pBOT?^FXRHR\\hBBHFFD@X?~B[dCYHCHGFO@SEaA@WFQHKXMT@vEYxG[x@ADf@"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "21 km",
                    "value": 21458
                "duration": {
                    "text": "34 mins 46 secs",
                    "value": 2086
                "end_address": "Taj Mahal Tower, Mumbai, PJ Ramchandani Marg, Apollo Bandar, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Hotel Sea Princess, Juhu Road, near Juhu Beach, Airport Area, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 19.09326,
                    "lng": 72.8281264
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 18.9225854,
                    "lng": 72.8331543
                "stop_id": "16921852",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "pickup",
                "arr_time": 3461,
                "end_time": 3761,
                "optimize_order": 2,
                "stop_order": 1,
                "share_stop_id": 0,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 2
                "overview_polyline": "gdpsBufo{LEg@~C?`@DZLZTh@j@h@Xb@JtNx@`BXz@FrBEn@?t@SnDZHEHONg@^kDhAyHfBuIf@mCx@}LdLLbCFvIB~r@pAtBF~CTtIfAbA@zAC~AW|JwCxBk@~EyAzD{AfBi@pAa@tJsC|Ai@rK`@p@?fAE~@Sv@_@vCcB^QXK~E]xBg@xGq@lAGrRC`JGzAUlTkIrPuGzEuA|AYbHo@bIMpFNbERpI\\fUtCxGx@zDb@`APh@`@hEgBv@_@rBqDd@e@f@SbAQ`B?TCpA[j@YXMZWf@w@bOaXNo@KUCWBWHULQRKZGZBXNNTHX?XFTLLnA~@`MpIjHlE~@v@rHlE~LvGbBj@zEjApBv@nBdA`CzAdA~@n@r@p@f@l@Zn@Pv@Nr@ZrCj@fGz@|Cv@`B\\|Dh@l@PpANlE?nABbAZ|DbBfB`@fALrOh@~@Hn@RlCvAl@Vn@Jb@?zDWzCI`C?rBJrTrAnBTbBXbFdAvEdA|LhBbGl@tATfAJr@A|AI|AMxB[|BOf@H|Bf@n@NrAx@lAdAv@\\t@JvEBfFI`HQR?d@Fp@ExCFvAHvGjAr@J`@JhETdFHhBHvC@h@DvB\\f@BlD@jAExBa@t@IlAG^G\\ObAkA\\Q`@GxE_@tDS~AUXO\\[`AgAb@]f@[p@U`JaB~@K`AAjAGdAOl@Md@OjBq@~@a@t@Sn@Ef@?tCTbC`@nFtAbAb@`@L\\DZ?|WwArBEfBAxBh@vBt@nEfA|Cp@dBl@p@\\~LfIVTTb@TXh@HTNbCMpHKjICxH@tACz@Qt@]bAeAXg@?Q@QFOJMLGPEN?N@rB{@|C_CfA{@J?@BJFt@dANNN@J?tAgALGVA~E|ATRYAoE}AUEKDiAx@"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "1 km",
                    "value": 1314
                "duration": {
                    "text": "6 mins 4 secs",
                    "value": 364
                "end_address": "Horniman Circle Garden, Homji Street, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Taj Mahal Tower, Mumbai, PJ Ramchandani Marg, Apollo Bandar, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 18.9225854,
                    "lng": 72.8331543
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 18.93197,
                    "lng": 72.8350343
                "stop_id": "16921857",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "delivery",
                "arr_time": 3825,
                "end_time": 4125,
                "optimize_order": 3,
                "stop_order": 6,
                "share_stop_id": 16921855,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "aznrBmgp{Lc@XICoAgBKG_GtEi@l@S^@TCPOXMJQFS?[IOMIMCQ?Q@QFOGUEa@[gASq@q@o@[QiASyAKmDc@uEsAmAc@s@a@y@i@_BuAi@OoF_@"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "1 km",
                    "value": 1082
                "duration": {
                    "text": "6 mins 33 secs",
                    "value": 393
                "end_address": "Standard Chartered Mumbai 23-25 M G Road, Mumbai Branch, 23-25, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Azad Maidan, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Horniman Circle Garden, Homji Street, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 18.93197,
                    "lng": 72.8350343
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 18.9339261,
                    "lng": 72.8313813
                "stop_id": "16921856",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "delivery",
                "arr_time": 4218,
                "end_time": 4518,
                "optimize_order": 4,
                "stop_order": 5,
                "share_stop_id": 16921855,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "isprB{up{LcAIVKzAJn@v@Pn@Ar@I^QZWV[N_@Ha@A[E[OGJSFkHu@sBjKqBxIxBS|B["
                "distance": {
                    "text": "20 km",
                    "value": 20984
                "duration": {
                    "text": "35 mins 42 secs",
                    "value": 2142
                "end_address": "JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu, Juhu Road, Juhu Tara, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Standard Chartered Mumbai 23-25 M G Road, Mumbai Branch, 23-25, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Azad Maidan, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 18.9339261,
                    "lng": 72.8313813
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1018504,
                    "lng": 72.8262233
                "stop_id": "16921854",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "delivery",
                "arr_time": 6360,
                "end_time": 6660,
                "optimize_order": 5,
                "stop_order": 3,
                "share_stop_id": 16921852,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "y_qrB_zo{LrDc@Yk@Y[w@c@cK}GoAm@qA_@cJuB_Cy@kBa@eB?uBD_ThAoBHe@?SAu@WaA]qFwA_AQ_AOuCSc@Am@Du@R}@^mBr@e@Nm@LgANmAF_AB_AH_J~Am@Tg@Xc@\\_AfA_@\\]N_BVwDRyE^]FYNeAhAa@Ra@FmAFs@H{B`@mADoDAg@CwB]g@EwCAkBIeFIiEUoAM_HoAsBK{EGaDLoJNcACuCC{@M{@a@mAcAsAw@i@Q_Cg@a@E}BLsBXaBNaAFsABiAKsAUgE_@{@Q}LkBuEiAaFeAeBWmBUqTsAsBK_C?{CH{DVg@Aq@Ko@WmCwAm@S}@GqOi@kAMiBa@}DeB_AYmAEqE?qAOs@@}Dk@wBa@sA]oB_@iAQaC]uCk@w@GgASe@Qu@]u@k@i@m@gAcAiC_BcB}@uBy@_B]_D}@_A[}Aw@aH{Du@q@aC{AqDsBgAg@mHkE_MkImBmAQCSDSASE]\\_FpIiHlM[n@O`@Kb@EhBGVKJKBMAu@k@c@Wa@Wu@K_A?_ANc@Rc@`@sBrDyG`DcB_AyMcBmBSsCc@_M_BeW}@aILaHn@{AXwEtAiK|DgDvAmTnIaBV{]Fy@DeHv@_CLOHaCXmARi@RqDtBe@NaATiBFiLc@OB_C|@mDjAyJvCoC`A}C|@wD~@_IjC_B^gAHcBB}@CmJkAqF]sNMmFKg\\w@wIFaCMcDAqFMm@vIU|BaC|Ly@bFi@|DKvAIZOJUAoD[u@Ro@?sBD{@GaBYuNy@c@Ki@Yi@k@[U[Ma@EyE@yGZwEX[TORCXDnAEREFSNyGdAS@OCMIIM_@sBEIQOYKuDVqIdAw@L}@HB\\XHHF@LAHEHw@J"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "1 km",
                    "value": 1040
                "duration": {
                    "text": "7 mins 48 secs",
                    "value": 468
                "end_address": "Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra",
                "start_address": "JW Marriott Mumbai Juhu, Juhu Road, Juhu Tara, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1018504,
                    "lng": 72.8262233
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1095171,
                    "lng": 72.8241298
                "stop_id": "16921853",
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "delivery",
                "arr_time": 6828,
                "end_time": 7128,
                "optimize_order": 6,
                "stop_order": 2,
                "share_stop_id": 16921852,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "_zqsB_}n{Le@HM?MGEGCOBKRME]cBVkBL}H^QEyDb@wHXMRE\\Bj@GLOPYHqA?]DUXAfBmC~@WRJdA"
                "distance": {
                    "text": "9 km",
                    "value": 9969
                "duration": {
                    "text": "26 mins 34 secs",
                    "value": 1594
                "end_address": "Raheja Vihar, Chandivali, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India",
                "start_address": "Juhu Beach, Mumbai, Maharashtra",
                "start_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1095171,
                    "lng": 72.8241298
                "end_location": {
                    "lat": 19.1190749,
                    "lng": 72.8951151
                "stop_id": null,
                "optimize_status": "normal",
                "stop_type": "normal",
                "arr_time": 8422,
                "end_time": 0,
                "optimize_order": 7,
                "stop_order": 2000,
                "share_stop_id": 0,
                "address_typed": {
                    "delivery_count": 0
                "overview_polyline": "ogssBenn{LKeAVSlC_A@gBKBAaAGaA@u@CQX@JUCY{@Bg@E[GeEwByFgDs@m@kAsAu@UdBqDsC@_ICyKBU?DeSJgCEoGLuC@y@E{EGe@MmDIYGc@KuD@mDG]GsEAwGBeD@Y|@cE`@wBL{@\\sFr@{EB_@?]GwABkCP_Cf@iBvCuGpBeDv@kDn@{DrEyQp@gDVeBV{BZiBnAuEPw@Fo@@}@GoAkA{M[{CY_A[w@g@u@UUWc@pH_c@z@kDhEuOxBsIj@oBxDoNJy@Dy@JcFHgB\\gBXs@l@mAb@g@r@s@zCgChEgDhAyASKSUiFwC_@Mu@Qy@GkAEi@@i@F}@XmAVm@Hq@@qAE{Gc@cAOwC{@mBe@_@IEU{@oAmA_EiD}E{@yAEy@[kBiAwAaAeAi@JcABc@C[Yi@DwBTk@VYB_@MOJiAZ}AQM]GwBLoAGa@ISa@i@c@e@]Ok@O}@E"

Ovenstående kommando returnerer JSON struktureret som denne, hvis optimize:false:

    "code": 200,
    "status": true,
    "message": "Some stops is not settled in route optimization",
    "data": {
        "optimized": false,
        "legs": [],
        "route_stops": [
            "id": 17019017,
            "address": "New York",
            "latitude": 40.7128,
            "longitude": 74.006,
            "optimized": false,
            "errors": [
                "Could not found nearest road"

Dette slutpunkt GET ruteoplysninger.


GET {{base_url}}/api/v6/routes/:route_id/optimize_route


Parameter Standard Beskrivelse
api_key "" Api Access nøgle
driver_id "" Driver-id for ruten


ZeoRoutePlanner giver dig mulighed for at bruge webhook, vi kan give dig besked om begivenhederne. Du kan registrere en ny webhook på vores platform ("").



Zeo Route Planner API bruger følgende fejlkoder:

Fejlkode Betydning
400 Dårlig anmodning -- Din anmodning er ugyldig.
401 Uautoriseret -- Din API-nøgle er forkert.
404 Ikke fundet -- Den angivne anmodning kunne ikke findes.
500 Intern serverfejl -- Vi havde et problem med vores server. Prøv igen senere.
503 Tjenesten er ikke tilgængelig -- Vi er midlertidigt offline for vedligeholdelse. Prøv igen senere.